Any shopper in a Wal-Mart store during the one-hour window was guaranteed to get that item at the discount price. 在这一个小时之内,沃尔玛保证光顾沃尔玛店的任意顾客都能够按这个折扣价购买这款商品。
That agency had provided growers with a guaranteed price for cotton. 该机构提供了保证价格为棉花种植者。
These should be promoted through guaranteed price subsidies to clean energy to be financed by gradually rising carbon taxes, as the clean energy capacity comes on line during the coming decade. 随着今后十年清洁能源产能投入运转,这些投资应通过逐步提高碳排放税、并以这项税金为清洁能源提供有保证的价格补贴来实现。
Satisfaction Guaranteed: Durex is so confident that you'll be satisfied with this product that they'll refund the purchase price if you're not. 满意保证:杜蕾斯是如此相信你会喜欢这种产品,他们将退还购买价格,如果你不满意。
With golden laser holography trademark, this product is guaranteed genuine goods at a fair price. 本品新推出金色镭射全息防伪商标,确保货真价实。
Sotheby's said its Impressionist sale was profitable, despite the auction house's loss of$ 14.6m on works that it had guaranteed to sell at a certain price. 苏富比表示,该拍卖行曾保证以某一价格卖出一些作品,这次在这方面亏损了1460万美元,但印象派作品的拍卖还是获利丰厚。
The exquisite processing technology, the formidable specialized human resources have guaranteed the company product multiplication, the quality standardization, the commodity actual price. 精湛的工艺技术、强大的专业人力资源确保了公司产品多元化、质量标准化、商品实价化。
Quality is absolutely guaranteed, the wholesale price is reasonable, a large quantity of favorably. 质量绝对有保证,批发价格合理,量大从优。
Such investors are guaranteed to receive the number of shares for which they bid in return for taking the price that emerges from normal marketing and promising not to sell any shares for six months. 此类投资者肯定会以通过正常路演得出的价格获得认购的股份,并承诺在股票上市6个月内不抛售任何股份。
A Study on Component Commonality Inventory Model with Guaranteed Delivery Time and Price 基于承诺交货期与价格的通用件库存模型
The option contract can protect peasants'interests, for the peasants get a guaranteed gain when the product price decreases and an increasing gains when product price, rises. 期权式合约可以使农户的收益“下有保底、上不封顶”,从而有效地降低农户的违约风险。
Negative transfers occur when the world price rises above the guaranteed price at which developing countries are obliged to supply sugar. 当国际糖价超过发展中国家必须供给的担保价格时,收入转移将变成负数。
Today China is already a member of the WTO, and our enterprise keeps on with our practical spirit, facing the market with guaranteed product quality, with reasonable price and with sincerity. 进入WTO的今天,企业始终坚持求实精神,保证产品质量,合理的价格以及诚信为根本的经营宗旨面向市场。
The general manager and the whole staff of the Company solemnly promise: guaranteed quality, timely delivery, reasonable price and responsible after-sales service. 公司总经理及公司全体员工郑重承诺:质量保证,交货及时,价格合理,售后负责。
Hedgers are business firms ( or individuals) that enter into a commodity contract to be assured access to the commodity at a guaranteed price. 前者指的是签订商品合同以便用固定的价格购买某种商品的公司(或个人)。
The calculation is based on recent laws that encourage the development of renewable energy in China and a guaranteed price of7.6 US cents per kilowatt hour of electricity for the next ten years. 这个结果是根据中国近期的鼓励可再生能源发展的法令并依据10年内维持每千瓦时7.6美分的保护性电价计算出来的。
If organic authenticity of product can be guaranteed, consumers like to buy it with higher price because of its fine quality, friendly environment and social fair, etc. 因为其优良的品质和环境友好、社会公平等附加效用,消费者愿意以比普通农产品更高的价格购买,但前提是必须保证产品的有机真实性;
"The guaranted lowest price" is a kind of frequent competition strategy of the commercial department in the market competition. This article limits the strategic behavior of carrefour and auchan to "guaranteed lowest price". 保证最低价是商业企业在市场竞争中经常运用的竞争策略。本文将家乐福和欧尚两家大型超市保证最低价的策略行为界定为企业间一种默契式的价格协调行为。
Through the market investigation and the game analysis, we draw the conclusion that "the guaranteed lowest price" will form the same lowest price in the price effect. 通过市场调查和博弈分析,我们得出在价格效应上保证最低价将形成统一低价的结论。
This conflict mainly manifests as the number of the generating coal is not guaranteed, the price of the generating coal is rising and the quality of the generating coal is decreased which cause great difficulty for the operations of the thermal power generators. 电煤矛盾主要表现为电煤数量得不到保证、电煤价格上涨以及电煤质量下降。这些都给火电企业的经营带来巨大的困难。